Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012


In this case, introduction is when someone introduces her/himself to other(s) and when she/he introduces somebody or more to other(s).
Some of the words/phrases in English that can be used in introduction are the following:
                                                   Source: English for SMK 1 (2008)

Also, you can introduce yourself/selves like the following:

         "Hi, my name is Mark Twain. You can call me Mark."

That is an example of short introduction. The underlined phrase can be replaced with "I am" OR "I'm". The phrase in italic, which tells a nickname, can be replaced with "Call me". Or the full sentence can become "Mark for short."

Here is an example of quite long introduction:
         "Hello. My name is Ujang Sebastian. Ujang for short. I'm fifteen years old. I was born in Cimahi, in September third in 1999. I live in Cimahi. I study at SMK Berkarya."

In the example, Ujang greets with "Hello" and then he mentions his full name, nickname, place and date of birth, address, and his school.

After you can introduce yourself to others, it is also important to be able to introduce someone to others in English. The following are example of how you introduce someone to somebody else:
Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa Inggris (2008)

In the example in the table, someone is introducing Priska to Doni. After that, Priska greets Doni and vice versa.


Kumalarini, Th., Munir, A., Setiawan, S., Agustien, H., Yusak, M. (2008). Contextual Teaching and
         Learning Bahasa Inggris: Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah Kelas VII. 4th  Ed.
         Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Pramesti, M. R. D, Pramono, W. S. & Suhermawan. (2008). English for SMK 1: Grade X. Jakarta: Pusat  
         Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

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